Sunday, March 5, 2017

Story of Cosmetics

Summary and Reflection:
The story of cosmetics was about all the toxic chemicals that are put in everyday consumer products. Exposure to these toxins have been known to damage reproductive organs, and induce disorders like autism, and asthma. Many of these chemicals are known to be carcinogens, which are cancer causing chemicals. Also, it mentioned how the FDA does not even require all ingredients of these cosmetic products to be listed. The FDA doesn’t assess the safety of many of the ingredients in these products. Since 1938, they have only banned 8 out of 12,000 ingredients used in cosmetics. Because of the lack of regulation, cosmetics industries self-assess their products. The lack of government action has ultimately lead to the exposure of toxic chemicals in our daily used products.

Now I feel like I am more skeptical as to what I am putting on my skin, and more curious about what these things mean. I was always someone who would read the labels, but I didn’t do anything about it because I didn’t know what these things were. After all, they wouldn’t be allowed to buy if they weren’t safe right? The interesting statistics brought up about the lack of regulation in the FDA has me worried about everything I use. How do I know my toothpaste, deodorant, chapstick, and shampoo are even safe? Women use an average of 12 cosmetic products daily, while 6 for men. I hadn’t  even realize how many products I really use until I thought about all the chemicals in them. I think overall it has made me more aware of how many things I have, and how most of them are really harmful.

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