Sunday, May 21, 2017

River Clean Up Service Project

  This weekend I went to Calabaza Creek for 3 hours to do a river clean-up. It was a lot of fun, and I felt like I was helping the Earth just by helping out for a couple hours. I wonder how much less pollution there would be if everyone cleaned up for a couple hours every month. It was hard getting to trash that was stuck in hard to reach places. There were a couple items lodged between boulders that nobody could get out, and it was a bit disappointing.
  There wasn't as much trash as I thought there would be, but there definitely was some. What I commonly found was pieces of plastic and plastic bags and broken glass. I feel like now I am more aware of the materials I used because I don't really know where they will end up even if they are in the trash can. A lot of this experience related to BagIt, and it was really interesting to see the effect right in front of you.
  At the end, the program organizers had snacks and water for us and I thought it was really cool that they had us use reusable plastic cups rather than plastic water bottles. Although it was just a small act of community service for most, I really felt like I made a difference doing the river clean up. I know that difference was really small considering everywhere else in the world, but I think a small difference is better than no difference at all. I'm glad I seized the opportunity to help out the environment with the community because it was a really fun, rewarding, experience.

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